+1 1224 6779

Before Launching Our New Website

Dolor excepteur enim elit est consectetur sit cupidatat quis magna eu aute nisi fugiat id velit dolor officia aliqua aliqua occaecat laborum officia esse magna fugiat irure exercitation duis nisi velit non est.

Who We Are   What We Do

About us

Ca să crească, oamenii au nevoie de susținere. Ca să crească afaceri, oamenii au nevoie nu doar de bani, dar și de cunoștințe, responsabilități asumate și, cel mai important, de alți oameni - care să creadă în ei și în ideile lor.

In order to grow, people need support. In order to grow a business, people need not only money. They also need knowledge and understanding of how to take responsibilities, but most importantly, people need other people – the ones who would believe and support each others’ ideas.

We have crossed the path of entrepreneurship on our own and didn’t have anyone to guide us, protect us from mistakes and risks, warn us about the cost of losses and gains. That’s why today we are ready to share our experience with other people − with the ones who are as ambitious as we are and have started or want to start a business in America.

Business M-Club is a private business club, a community of Moldovan entrepreneurs from the USA − the people who know the price of work, who want to learn, and are always ready to share their knowledge with others. Welcome to our club, if you:
- want to know top managers and become a top manager
- are looking for business partners
- are looking for new fields and business extensions
- want to grow your idea
- are looking for new investments
- want to learn from the best people in the field
- feel that you are more than your current atmosphere
- have lost confidence and need a new flow of energy
- want to spend your time with value, accumulating new knowledge

There are a lot of special events we have prepared for our members: online and offline meetings and training series, trips, and exchange programs. We are the people who know what is the real value in a business and want to offer that value to others.

Our mission

Suntem o comunitate de antreprenori care își dorește să crească alți antreprenori. Credem că cel mai valoros capital într-o afacere sunt oamenii: echipa, susținătorii și mentorii.

We are a community of entrepreneurs who want to grow other entrepreneurs. We believe that the biggest value in a business is the people: the team, the supporters, and the mentors.

This group was created when we realized that to start a business one needs a lot of knowledge, values, and a permanent desire for self-development. We appreciate and encourage authenticity, sincerity, and the thirst to learn and improve yourself, so we invite all people who share the same values − to join a series of events and meetings of entrepreneurship and development. The program of our activities includes:
•    personal development training series
•    entrepreneurship and finance management courses
•    brainstormings
•    motivation and psychology sessions
•    leadership and mindset courses
•    courses on healthy lifestyle
•    teambuildings
•    trips & shared breakfasts

Do you want to become a member of Business M-Club?



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